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...but did you die?

Y'all...... I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But to get to it, there is one last major challenge called a Comprehensive Exam lasting for 5 weeks. Now I'm not sure about you, but ANY exam gets my anxiety going let along one that lasts 5 weeks. WTH is that all about?! I'm not even sure how to prepare for something like this. I feel like this is the bootcamp style, leave you in the middle of the desert in your undies and only one canteen of water, kinda drill. I wouldn't even be good being left in the desert with a tent and all the accommodations!

So here I sit so SUPER psyched to be done with my last class but now starting to prepare for what is to come through strategic analysis aka....worrying and coming up with 28 different plans of what could happen. Its a sickness. #bittersweet

There is this accomplished feeling boiling down in my gut that makes me just want to smile so big and bright but to make sure I don't put the cart in front of the horse, I am keeping calm because for the first time in my scholastic career, I do not know what to expect. Honestly, the possibilities are endless..... do you know how frightening and exciting that is to a person like me?! There has not been much that I have truly wanted, education wise, where I have made a commitment to obtain my goal that I was not able to do. I know I will succeed at this also, its just a delicate and exciting time right now. I can describe it best in BINGO terms: for those that play BINGO, you know the number is shown before called, right? You know that feeling you get when the number you need to BINGO is in the window and its next to be called so you already know you are a winner? THAT'S the feeling I have inside me. It is ABSOLUTELY incredible!

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