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I wanted you to go away but I'm glad you never left my side

Before I did my damnedest to keep the people who would lecture me out of my business (because well, they were annoying) and would perpetually invite the people who could give a sh*t in (why? because they were FUN, or so they seemed). The problem with this is, the people that lectured were the ones that truly cared. So after I would pour my heart out and show my true colors I would get nothing in return (hmm, ya think??!) and I was surprised by that!! I was so stupid! I never grasped what people meant when they referred to my "choice surroundings" as "bad or wrong people". Was I that stubborn? In this past year it has become painfully obvious to me now and in retrospect, I am firing the "bad" and olive-branching with the annoying, lecture-giving peeps. Funny part is, no matter how hard I pushed them away they never left my side. That is a lesson I am very glad I learned.

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