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You think I don't know, but I know

Have you ever had one of those people in your life that just make it so hard to be cool with? Maybe it started out fine and dandy, things were easy while you were getting to know each other and then BAM! All of a sudden you are having a hard time responding or even relating to them anymore because the air is just thick with hostility. #walkingoneggshells You, in a non-confrontational way, ask if everything is cool because deep down you know things are, in fact, not cool. They of course do not fess up to anything being different so you now feel better (for lack of a more accurate word) because you asked but not satisfied because YOU KNOW something is up. The more you pull away to observe and reassess based off of this adverse vibe you are getting, the more obvious the differences in behavior from now to how they used to act/be/behave are to you. #rufkiddingme

So this is where people like me get all twisted up. We sense this situation is going South but because the other person thinks they are hiding it so well that when confronted, they put it back on you. For example they will respond with, "you think too much", or "Where did you get a crazy idea like that?", or the smart ones will question your communication skills, or your expectations, maybe even go as far as to suggest, you need to improve these areas in order to maintain relationships- in short, making you feel like YOU are the one with the problem AKA throwing passive aggressive shade. #butthatsnoneofmybusiness

We are intuitive. We are empathetic to others and pick up on cues. There is nothing wrong with us. If you are anything like me, your intuition/gut feelings, emotions, experience, have ALL gotten you this far in life! There is a lot of truth to these feelings and emotions. Others that don't possess these senses or use them as tools, do not know how they work, how strong they are, and how right they usually are; these people also think they don't project anything differently when there is OBVIOUSLY something different going on. #duh

It is fucking exhausting! I am exhausting when I am on a quest for the truth-TRUST ME- I KNOW! But these are the lengths I'll go when I value the relationship. I don't have many, so I try to maintain the ones that are meaningful. The truth is, you cant do it alone. You cant force someone to tell you what is wrong or even confess there IS something wrong until they are ready- regardless of the fact that you 100% KNOW things are not right. Its frustrating. But what can you do? If they do not recognize the strength of intuition, they will never know how it feels to know... but not know.


This is me. I am empathetic. I will jump to conclusions. I will sense things and react accordingly. I am an emotional person. I love HARD. I fight for the worthy relationships. I'm going to get aggravating; consider it a privilege. I won't be changing any of this anytime soon. My emotions/feelings will cause a reaction in me, and that's not a bad thing. I am proud that I can show that side of myself and from now on, if it is frustrating to anyone else, then don't be my friend. I would rather have someone accept me for all of me than empathetic me, worrying about what is wrong because someone does not have the balls to let me know. #iamwhoiam #cantstopwontstop

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