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Learn Something New Everyday

Since I have been an “Adult”- ok- adult age, ok fine….for the past 6 years- happy? I have developed and maintained this unhealthy habit of constantly having a “todo” list.

Now, don’t get me wrong…to do lists are not bad. It is a great practice to write stuff down that needs to get done and feel accomplished when you finally do it and can cross it off but I got to the point where I wouldn’t celebrate the completion but instead, move on like clockwork to my next item.

Think of it like this…in a 5K someone could celebrate each mile of it. “Yes I made it to my first mile- ok now to make it to mile #2. OK, Mile #2 done, check. Now let’s get to the end and get the medal. Medal in hand, now to get home to hang the medal…” and so on and so forth.

Maybe this isn’t a big deal and I’m sure there are worst problems to have but I didn’t realize until recently how much joy I was keeping myself from, I was my own cock-block of joy and happiness.

I have accomplished the MOST AMAZING things over the last 6 years and robbed myself of a worthy celebration. Since 2013 I have:

  • Taken care of my blemishes in Texas (ah hem)

  • Completed my Associates Degree

  • Completed my Bachelor’s Degree

  • Completed my Master’s Degree!!

  • Bought my 1st house

  • Traveled to California (2 times)

  • Traveled to Mexico (2 times)

  • Traveled to Jamaica

  • Traveled to Costa Rica

  • Got my license reinstated

  • Bought a car (2 of them)

  • Celebrated 7 years of sobriety

  • Started Addiction and Substance Abuse certification

That is a LOT of amazing things!! Some of those, NO ONE ever accomplishes! And I have done them all in 6 years! WOW! Sure I gave myself a pat on the back and allowed myself to accept my accomplishments but not until today, did I really let myself just bask in the shear excitement and bliss of a job well done!

Today I completed my very first intake at work. Sure, I made mistakes and I was nervous AF but I did it! I realized today that this is the first time on over 13 years where I am in unfamiliar territory and it feels fucking great!

I have been smiling ALL DAY LONG! I’m on cloud 9. I will not have another 1st intake ever again in my life. From this point on, I might “know better” than to make rookie mistakes but my 1st intake was so much more than I thought it would be! Today, I was proud of myself.

And if you know me you know I am not short on confidence and pride but today……IT was amazing to be me!

In conclusion, if anyone can gain any insight on this it’s this:

If you are not allowing yourself to celebrate the little things, or if you are like me and don’t even realize you are your own joy cock-block….make some changes. Get out of your comfort zone, be horrible at something because you are new, go in unprepared, play it by ear and when you rock your own world by completing a challenging task- CELEBRATE THAT SHIT!

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