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"Badass, Party of One"

There was a time in my life, not too long ago where the thought of sitting alone somewhere enjoying a meal, reading a book, etc. was absolutely terrifying! And it was this way because me anxiety was such a huge controlling factor in my life that at times, I felt, there were more things I couldn’t do than I could. This was really sad for me. But I didn’t let it derail my path. I kept my eye on the prize of being a successful member of society and a person I (and my mom) could be proud of and pushed through.

I can’t remember all of the little successes along the way but I remember slowly figuring out who I was and what I specifically needed to persevere. I also remember falling in love with myself by coming face to face with my vulnerabilities and learning to understand them instead of dismissing them, embracing my flaws, and patiently overcoming challenges that I met along the way.

I humbly share that I am communicating this message of self-drive, self-love, and empowerment from the corner of my local Panera... all by myself. ❤️

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